Sunday, 3 February 2019

✖️ Fresh Start

Hey there, internet world. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?

I’m really glad that you’ve found your way to my blog. I was going to keep this short and sweet, but, I’m in love with writing, and on the break I took I found myself missing it more and more each day that passed. However, I do feel like some changes need to be made. ‘Alura Dupuis’ has made its mark and has come to an end. No, truly, I loved what I started creating, but as time went on, it just didn’t feel like ‘me’ anymore.

I have been ‘blogging’ for roughly 6 years now. Through various different types of blogs, but always under the same name. Always similar topics that I’ve very much been interested in, but lately that doesn’t feel like me at the moment. 2018 wasn’t the kindest year, on some levels. It was a mental roller-coaster filled with happy highs and some low lows. I had gone through some awful things on Twitter, a weird breakup, working full-time at a shitty job, found a new job, I’m now an aunt x2, started dating someone incredible, had some family issues. I lost my identity and didn’t feel like myself. I was lost, and I still am. But I’m happy you’ve found my blog while I try to collect myself.

It’s often difficult to start the process of ‘tidying up.’ I want to entirely start fresh in regards to myself and with blogging. It’s hard to create an entirely new identity, but that isn’t to say that I dislike my identity now. I just need to spice things up, restart, find my mojo, if that makes sense.

I’m going to be a little selfish, and make this blog something of my own and for me. My little diary, my corner of the internet. Here I’ll be writing about the things I’m passionate about; whether that’s something I bought at IKEA, where I’ve travelled, mental health, feminism, self-care, a review, or just a cheeky rant. Perhaps I might even have a strong opinion on something and want to share. My point being… I want to find myself, and with doing that, I need to be selfish and put myself first sometimes.

My blog has now become a safe haven where I can discuss and explore many topics such as mental health, self-care, coping mechanisms, minimalism, thoughts on current events, etc… without having the fear of being judged. All of course while still having a laugh, and enjoying things along this new adventure.

Some words I live by:
Be kind, always.
Be truthful and take accountability.
Be understanding and open-minded.

As cheesy as this sound, it’s time for new beginnings and a change.

1 comment :

  1. Thank you for sharing. Totally agree with your "words to live by."


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